Find the registry key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Shell and add a key under it named "Command Prompt". Under the "Command Prompt" key, add another key called "command". Click on the newly-added "command" key and you should see that it has one value whose name is "(Default)", whose type is REG_SZ, and whose data is empty. Double click on "(Default)" and enter this in the Value Data field:
cmd.exe /f:on /k cd %1
Now add another key called "SPFSE" under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Shell and add a key under it called "command". This time, set the "(Default)" Value Data to:
"C:\Program Files\SPF3270-40\bin\spf3270.exe" %1
You can optionally set the "(Default)" value of the "Command Prompt" and "SPFSE" keys to contain the name you wish to appear in the context menu. In this name you can optionally prefix one character by an ampersand, this character will then be underlined and can be used to select the menu item without using the mouse.
The registry key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Shell applies to File Folders. See also HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\Shell which contains entries for all folders.
Install "Command Prompt Here" (cmdhere.exe) from the Microsoft XP PowerToys page and add an SPFSE entry as described above.
Last updated 05 Jan 2008